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Available Volunteering Roles

What else do you need to know?
If you like working with animals, or just like animals and are looking for volunteer work, you might be surprised by the number of opportunities the service animal industry provides. No matter how much experience you have – or how much time you have to give, here are some fantastic ways to get involved

As a volunteer puppy trainer you will be able to:
You will be able to change the life of both a deaf or hard-of-hearing person and a puppy. You will take them to obedience classes, serve up a healthy diet, provide socialization opportunities and give lots of love.

Volunteer at our Dog Days of Summer Dog Walks
If you love dogs and appreciate the life-changing contribution service dogs in make in people’s lives, join the Dog Days of Summer Dog Walks.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
(*** Click on the listing to view the details or fill out the form below and someone from our office will contact you. Thank you for your interest in Your Hearing Dog Inc. ***)
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