Welcome to Your Hearing Dog!
We train intelligent dogs for
The Deaf Veterans The HOH
to assist in everyday life/tasks, new friendship, pure joy, act of love and even saving a life.

20+ Years of Nonprofit Management Experience
About Us
We Train Hearing Dogs Who Transform Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing People's Lives
Hearing dogs are custom-trained to assist people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, they are working partners for people with disabilities. Hearing dogs are specifically trained to support the needs of severely hearing impaired people. They serve as their owners’ ears and provide the added benefit of companionship.
Interested In A Dog?
Why Choose Us?

We Train
Clever Dogs
We use a reward-based training approach which rewards your dog whenever he or she completes the task or command that was asked by the owner. Treats, belly rubs, or other dog-pleasing actions are used to reinforce a good behavior.

Our Dogs Help Deaf
And HOH People
They are custom-trained to assist people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing by physically alerting their partner to common sounds such as a smoke alarm, doorbell, alarm clock, telephone ring or child's cry.

Hearing Dogs Have
Even Saved Lives
As if this wasn't enough – hearing dogs have saved countless lives in their important role; fire alarms sounding at the dead of night, alerting them to the shouts of a loved one who is in peril, even saving their deaf partners from potential car thieves!
What We Do

Dogs for People with Hearing Loss
Hearing dogs are trained to alert their owners to common sounds like doorbells, oven timers, smoke alarms, telephones, babies’ cries, or alarm clocks. Hearing dogs make physical contact with their owners, nudging or pawing them to get their attention. Most are trained to lead their handlers toward the source of a sound.

Dogs for Veterans
These dogs are trained to offer the best possible assistance to veterans with PTSD and old age. The aim is to maximize the efficacy of a service dog as a helping hand to the veterans.

Dogs for Children & Teens
Connecting with an animal can help kids feel grounded and keep them from getting upset in tough situations. Service dogs can go anywhere and can make kids who are terrified of places like the doctor or dentist much calmer. Animals can even be part of a kid’s therapy.

Make A Difference

YHD on the News

Believe In Dog Podcast

YHD On YouTube
