Support Us
How Can You Support Us

Supporting Your Hearing Dog Inc. can be done by donating or volunteering. With the option to donate, you can make a monetary contribution to fund the raising and training our dogs, as well as provide ongoing support for their well-being. By choosing to volunteer, you can offer your time and skills to support the organization and our dogs in their care, such as through training, fundraising, or assistance with care and maintenance. Volunteering also provides an opportunity for you to learn more about YHD and their important role in supporting those with hearing loss.

Your gift will change the lives of a deaf or hard-of-hearing person by providing them with a trained hearing service dog, which will bring them safety, independence, and companionship. The gift will help fund the expensive training process and have a positive impact on the recipient's life.

If you like working with animals, or just like animals and are looking for volunteer work, you might be surprised by the number of opportunities the service animal industry provides. No matter how much experience you have – or how much time you have to give, here are some fantastic ways to get involved