Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community

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We all want to be part of a group that reflects who we are. For example, when we were in school, we were always divided into groups to complete projects, but also, at any break, we were in a group or tried to fit in a group.

A small community of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people was present at the Grand Kickoff to celebrate the beginning of an amazing charity whose purpose is to help Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people and veterans with the same conditions live a more accessible life by receiving specially trained Hearing Dogs. In fact, the protagonists of the event were the dogs: a service dog from the training company Guardian Service Dogs, a dog owned by Wags n Whiskers Grooming, six special dogs from Little Paws Poodles, one of which was donated to Your Hearing Dog as the first dog to be trained as hearing dog, from owner Carmen, and not forgetting all the dogs who took part of the Canine Stars show.

A hearing dog is part of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community because they help their owners feel more confident in a social environment. Owners of a Hearing Dog will feel safer in the house because the dog is trained to alert the handler in case of any noise, like a fire alarm, doorbell, oven timer, and so on.

The community of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing may feel lonely if they are excluded by other people and if they feel limited in communication, which affects relationships with others; they may also feel misunderstood, but among their community, they feel understood and included because others know what they are going through. In this community, there are also organizations such as HLAA also those who teach and inform about technology, like hearing aids, cochlear implants and apps., and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing who fight for recognition and show support. At the Event, the people communicated with each other through sign language. An interpreter was provided to translate the conversation so that people who sign could understand.

This community also includes people who were hearing people and find themselves in this condition for medical or accidental reasons. They first lived a life where communication and listening were not a problem, and now, suddenly, they find themself in the unknown because what they knew before is different. Their habits have been changed, and their new perspective of life has been turned upside down. At the same time, they have to find the strength to overcome this uncomfortable situation and put aside negative feelings and emotions. Partners, family and friends play an important part in the well-being of the person; lots of patience, understanding, and love are required for the person to find strength and motivation and to set new goals in life.

This community also includes people who were hearing people and find themselves in this condition for medical or accidental reasons. They first lived a life where communication and listening were not a problem, and now, suddenly, they find themself in the unknown because what they knew before is different. Their habits have been changed, and their new perspective of life has been turned upside down. At the same time, they have to find the strength to overcome this uncomfortable situation and put aside negative feelings and emotions. Partners, family and friends play an important part in the well-being of the person; lots of patience, understanding, and love are required for the person to find strength and motivation and to set new goals in life.

This community also includes people who were hearing people and find themselves in this condition for medical or accidental reasons. They first lived a life where communication and listening were not a problem, and now, suddenly, they find themself in the unknown because what they knew before is different. Their habits have been changed, and their new perspective of life has beenturned upside down. At the same time, they have to find the strength to overcome this uncomfortable situation and put aside negative feelings and emotions. Partners, family and friends play an important part in the well-being of the person; lots of patience, understanding, and love are required for the person to find strength and motivation and to set new goals in life.

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